Saturday, May 28, 2011

Photography Lesson #1

I've included this picture to remind myself and to
show the challenges I have phtographing my yard.
The electric meter and the a/c unit constantly get in
the way.  Not to mention one ball-chasing,
loving dog!!

I've signed up for on-line lessons in photography!  Although they are free--and free sometimes means you get what you pay for, these seem to be good.  So far the lessons and challenges are right on my level.  Not too techy, not too easy.  This week's lesson was the contrast between foreground and background and the various ways you can focus the subjects.  Within the lesson, there is a challenge  to take a black and white photograph 10 minutes away from your home.  You must drive or walk 10 minutes away and take a picture of whatever is there.  While I haven't worked on that challenge yet, the pictures on this post are my "dress rehearsal" for black and white beauties using the tips from the lesson.  Enjoy!

Tomatoes & Lawn

Birdfeeder and twinkle lights in the background. 
As I was practicing this lesson, I was also playing around with the features on my camera.  Apparently, if you know nothing
about f-stops, you can still create some of the effects
professionals can!  I actually chose the number of lights
I wanted to twinkle!

Duck Sculpture & Cedar Tree

I think this one is probably the neatest one because Pat's
moon came from a barbecue pit.  The pit in the background
belonged to his father.  I wonder what yard art he'll
create with that one??


  1. Very nice! Who knew a tomato plant could look so good? I'm very jealous of those big tomatoes. We're just starting to get a few blossoms on a few plants.

  2. This is the first year in a long time we've had tomatoes look so good! We've been making compost tea, and it's been working like a charm!

  3. Great photos. I love the twinkling lights effect. The first of the tomato plant is my favorite - having the lawn and trees behind really gives it some depth.

  4. I must say I love the duck sculpture!!

  5. Where are these free photography online lessons you speak of?

  6. Here is the link:
    They have all sorts of resources, and you can sign up for their weekly newsletter!
