Saturday, March 26, 2011

Spring Blooms--March 2011

Mountain Laurel Bloom
almost spent

Newer Mountain Laurel Blooms--so fragrant!

The Mountain Laurel blooms are so beautiful and fragrant.  However, this year we did not get as many as we usually have.  It could be due to Pat's pruning efforts, but I wouldn't change a thing.  The tree is gorgeous--we should have more blooms next year!

First Bearded Iris

Another view

All of mom's Irises are doing beautifully at the west end of the house!  Pat was thinking we wouldn't get a show, but there are a ton of "wrinkled" leaves indicating future blooms.  That is how I can tell if an iris will bloom...the leaves get wrinkles in them, and sure enough, a few days later a bloom begins to emerge.

More Irises to follow!

Dianthus & Strawberry Begonias
I'm very proud of my efforts with the Dianthus and Strawberry Begonias.  I pinched back all of the frost-bitten leaves on the Dianthus instead of Pat.  He's more tender and gentle than I am...I'm pretty radical when I pinch back plants, and they usually do better when I do it!  Quite possibly the only thing I'm good at gardening-wise!  Pat also asked me to add more potting soil at the bottom of the Strawberry Begonia, and I managed that all by myself!  It's perking up nicely, although I do think I needed to divide it.  Pat said no.  Just wait until I have another day off---I think I'll do it anyway!!

Antique White Rose

This is the rose bush I blogged about having black spot so badly.  Well, the lack of rain has helped it recover.  Look at all the future blooms this baby has!

More blooms to come!


  1. Your plants are so pretty and healthy.I have one iris it is old ,and not very pretty,but I still like it. I am following your blog,you are welcome to follow mine as well. Blessings jane

  2. lovely pics!!

    See me at "Garden"
